19th century
Oh, don't you guys just looooove the 19th century? Tight corsets, big puffy skirts, lace-covered nightgowns and dashing gentlemen kissing your hand in the moonlight.. It's just.. romantic, isn't it? (Until you faint because your corset is too tight, that is.. xD) Yes, I'm kind of a hopeless romantic, though I shouldn't be - I HAVE faced reality, but I guess I just never learn my lessons xD So here are some pretty pictures :)

Aren't they magical? Gosh, I'd like to wear that dark blue dress.. Or the creme-colored, the one with all the pretty roses embroidered :)) It'd be a pain to walk in them though, with all that fabric behind you xD Oh, well. You can always dream. I know I do - a lot. My dreams are usually really weird though.. I guess they all are.
Maybe they will inspire you?

Aren't they magical? Gosh, I'd like to wear that dark blue dress.. Or the creme-colored, the one with all the pretty roses embroidered :)) It'd be a pain to walk in them though, with all that fabric behind you xD Oh, well. You can always dream. I know I do - a lot. My dreams are usually really weird though.. I guess they all are.
Speaking of dreams, I dreamt of my kitten. You know, the one I'll get if my grades are good enough? It was cute like crazy, and it seemed so real it took me a while when I woke up to realize that I had only been dreaming, hahaha. So here comes a random fact, although it won't be so random after I've explained it.
I want to learn how to sow. That would be really helpful, and it would get me an A, which would make me two step closer to getting that kitten. Gosh, I want that kitten. Though I seriously hope I won't turn into a crazy catlady. Hmmm. I probably won't, since life is getting reeeaaally interesting, so I won't want to throw it away for a life in solitude with only 50 cats as company. That sounds scary. And cats are really independent, they don't follow people around like dogs, so I actually doubt my future cat will make me become something like this girl:
I think most of you have already seen that video, but I'll post it anyway since it cracks me up every single time I watch it. AND THERE IS A SONG. An awesome song, actually. Please, someone, give her a cat and get that moment on tape.
xx Bells