Kind of a prom dress

OMG! I'm over-excited about sewing class!!!! I'm designing my own stuff as usual :D But this time I'll be making my own short prom dress (that I won't wear for prom :P) And it'll be perfect!! Spending my weekend designing :D
How it might turn out:
Won't it be amazing??!!! Ahh Oh Ma Gosh, can't wait :D
Oh the "funniest" thing happend today. Me and my friend A were walking in the rain (maybe we were singing to O.O) and a car's running in a puddle right infront of us and all the water flew over our legs... Haha, it was like we were in some kind of movie or something. ;)
Stay glamorous (and don't drive in puddles near people..) <3 Aphrodite


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