Summer Swag
Hey there!! Summer is comming up :D yeey! Well, even though it's unbelievably cold outside where me and Bells live, I'm looking after summer outfits, can't help it. I mean, who doesn't love summer? Beautiful dresses, warm nights, freedom. Ahhh gosh, can't wait! I put together a cute and simple summer outfit for you <3 This outfit IS me, haha, I love peace signs, I love dresses and I love boots. I'm serious, favourite things when it comes to fashion!

1. Steve Madden - Fairport - 108 pounds
2. Forever 21 - Pleated Swing Dress - 23.75 pounds
3. Urban Outfitters - Enamel Peace Sign Necklace - 14 pounds
Your swagmasta' Aphrodite <3
I wanna stay up all night
I don't feel like going back to school at all - weekends should last longer, don't you think? Anyway, here is what I'm wearing to school..:

Grey random leather jacket my mom bought me, pink t-shirt from Croatia, Diesel belt and vintage skirt.
I've been having fun with photo-editing programs, and setting the light is by far the most fun thing to do :3 Here is a finished pic:

oxoxo Bells
State of current Situation

Hey there y'all, I'm baaack :DD So, above you see the current state of the situation. I'll be doing it every week (unless Aphrodite is doing it, heh) and it'll be some kind of update on what's going on, in our lives AND in fashion ;D Well, the pic says it all. I've got some more pics for you~

So, this outfit basically consists of a pair of dark jeans (tight, but not tight like a second skin), a white tee with prints and a black vest. I added a necklace because it has sentimental value xD
Hmm, I'll be writing more, but not right now because I have homework to do - gotta get that kitten.
Still wishing for that happy ending..
oxoxo Bells
Marc by Marc Jacobs
Hola People! Sorry about the lazy updating - me & Bells have been enjoying the weekend i guess ;) Sooo let's get to the exciting part!
Marc Jacobs is a brand that's pretty expensive, but I've found some things that aren't that expensive, and i thought it would be nice to share that with you! I really love theese things and I'd want to own them all (especially the earrings!!) maybe you would to??

Marc Jacobs - Logo Cartridge Neoprene Tablet Case - 31 pounds

Marc Jacobs - Stardust Logo Neoprene 13 Computer Case - 33.50 pounds![]()

1. Marc Jacobs - Mini Star Studs - 24.50 pounds
2. Marc Jacobs - Mini Sunnies Studs - 24.50 pounds
3. Marc Jacobs - Domed Logo Hearts Studs - 24.50 pounds
xx. Aphrodite
Kind of a prom dress
OMG! I'm over-excited about sewing class!!!! I'm designing my own stuff as usual :D But this time I'll be making my own short prom dress (that I won't wear for prom :P) And it'll be perfect!! Spending my weekend designing :D
How it might turn out:

Won't it be amazing??!!! Ahh Oh Ma Gosh, can't wait :D
Oh the "funniest" thing happend today. Me and my friend A were walking in the rain (maybe we were singing to O.O) and a car's running in a puddle right infront of us and all the water flew over our legs... Haha, it was like we were in some kind of movie or something. ;)
Stay glamorous (and don't drive in puddles near people..) <3 Aphrodite
Hmm, I got the impression that we're not nearly as active as we were the first three days xD So here I am, trying to push it back up - because if we're not actice the first month, we'll never be.
I raided my closet last night and found my beloved Miss Sixty jacket which I haven't been wearing since like.. end of summer xD But then I thought, why shouldn't I wear it now? So I wore it over a red and a white top and with tight black pants :3 And the result...

Please notice my dark red nailpolish, which I love but seldom use because... well, I'm lazy. It doesn't even look red, haha it's so dark it looks black, actually.. Well, whatever, it still looks cool.
My hand is currently adorned with my 'name', that is the word Bells. I'm going to write Aphrodite's 'name' on her hand too tomorrow, and then make her take a picture of our hands with me and post it :D And when I adjust the colours in picnik, it'll look good ^^ least I think, heh. Hm, that is pretty much all for today.
Oh, one more thing.. I'm afraid I'm falling in love. I really hope I'm not, because if I do, I'm really stupid. And I mean STUPID.
oxoxo Bells
Fashionable or not?
This is what I'm wearing today. I would say that it's kind of street fashion, since the jeans are worn and the shirt's oversized :)

The shirt's from Rare, the jeans' from Nolita and the belt's from Guess. The bracelets are handmade, I made them with my cousin. I would say that they're a fashion don't, but also something you wear anyway.
Hope you're having a great monday, Aphrodite
Dance for the cool kidz

Painted this and thought that it was a bit fashionable ;)
Thanks for all the viewers yesterday! Really fun to see, Aphrodite
Jewellery - a girl's best friend?

1st pic - I got the cutest charm for christmas and I wanted to share that with you guys :D Like you might notice I'm collecting Thomas Sabo charms :P

And I also thought that we've only showed you diffrent outfits that we like, so I'm showing you some of my own jewellery so that you can "get a look" from my life and what I actually do wear :D (the rings make me think of The Lord of The Rings ring, but in silver, and with a cute word on ;) haha, does that make any sense??)
Seems like Bells had a pretty tough morning? At least to me... Would like to meet her and just hug her <3 Now I'm going to keep on reading my book :D (and eat candy??)
Live and love fashion, Aphrodite
A funeral and a party.. mismatch.
I woke up 07:30 AM today, dragging my feet behind me on the way to the church. The father of a good friend to our family recently passed away. We knew the father too, not as well, but still good enough to feel something more than the usual 'I'm sorry for your loss'. When the mass started, and people started crying, I had a hard time holding back my own tears - I somehow managed not too, because I sang alone with my father, a lot of songs on my own, and if I'd cried, I would've ruined it.. a lot. The songs kind of ruined it anyway, because they were really sad and well... funeral-related. Of course, that's way better than singing happy songs, but still. It adds to the crying. I felt so damn helpless when I saw their sorrow - it was all so exposed, they looked so vulnerable... And such anguish.. and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. Nothing. I couldn't help. There was nothing to do but to cry with them and for them. And sing and pray for the deceased. Yep, I am a christian. Not trying to push my faith on you guys, if you don't believe. I just really hope that they're doing well up there. I live for them. Yes, that is one of the reasons I live. A big reason, actually. I know the pain that all those people felt today - I've felt it too, and I know it far too well. I've lost people. And they won't breathe again, they won't walk this earth anymore. Their hearts won't ever beat again. But that is why I must do it, and enjoy every second of it - I must do it five times as much, so I live for them too. So everyone who has lost somebody, or when you do - because you will, you can't flee death - don't go into a depression. It's okay to mourn, but don't forget to live. Don't think that ''it's not worth living anymore''. Because you have to make it worth. And you have to make your loved ones proud, whether they're dead or alive.
That's it for the philosophical talk.
I'm going to a friend this evening, two more will come (yep, one of them is Aphrodite :) ) although one of them (Aphrodite, ahahaha) maybe won't come because she hasn't had much sleep and is worn out. Poor thing. REST UP, APHRODITE <3 And we'll watch movies and eat candy and popcorn and chips and soda. Just to make a contrast to this morning. So, if this morning was dedicated to death, this night I'll dedicate to life. Hm, this was a very serious text. I'll lighten things up with a pic of what I'm wearing (the same thing I wore at the funeral).

The black trousers are from Replay and the jacket and blouse... I have no idea, my mom just gave them to me xD
Okay, that's it for today. I'll see ya, people. Stay alive. For you, and for those who need you.
oxoxo Bells
What do you think?

xx. Aphrodite
Floral Winter
Good morning everyone :) I'm cutting my hair today! Well, I'm not cutting it very much - it's just that my bangs are too long, and a mass of hair in the face is totally a fashion DON'T, and just unattractive. I went shopping yesterday and found these ultra-cute gloves at a shop called Raglady.

*pic* Aren't they just ah-dooorable???! And they'll go well with everything :D If you remember that red blouse Aphrodite posted, you'll notice that the one I'm wearing today is very similiar - except for the colour of course. And those dots and lines are actually flowers and vines :3

Yes, I know that floral patterns are usually reserved for spring and summer, but a winter shoukd get it's share too ^^ With the blouse, I wear high-waisted, tight jeans and my simple black leather belt. Add a pair of boots and a warm coat and you're ready to go :D I would've posted more, and better pics if I hadn't been late for school as I was writing this, hehe.. Have a nice day everyone!
xx Bells
Casual clothes for school
Hey there people! :D I saw this shirt/top and thought it was soo cute! And then I thought: why not do an outfit based on it? So I did :D Imagine the shirt/top being tucked into the jeans (again). I don't know why, but both of the times when I've done an outfit for you guys, the shirt/top has been tucked into the jeans! I don't wear my shirts like that because they don't look good in that way... Jewellery: The boots and the jeans got details so I thought about keeping it simple this time.

1. Bailey 44 - dusty brown jersey 'Fern Gully' split sleeve top - 94,4 pounds (now on sale for 66,4 pounds)
2. Prime Boots - Eng Stud Heel Mid 121 - 338 pounds
3. Miss Me - Velvet Fleur De Lis Skinny - 64,4 dollar
Hope it inspires you! xoxo Aphrodite
19th century
Oh, don't you guys just looooove the 19th century? Tight corsets, big puffy skirts, lace-covered nightgowns and dashing gentlemen kissing your hand in the moonlight.. It's just.. romantic, isn't it? (Until you faint because your corset is too tight, that is.. xD) Yes, I'm kind of a hopeless romantic, though I shouldn't be - I HAVE faced reality, but I guess I just never learn my lessons xD So here are some pretty pictures :)

Aren't they magical? Gosh, I'd like to wear that dark blue dress.. Or the creme-colored, the one with all the pretty roses embroidered :)) It'd be a pain to walk in them though, with all that fabric behind you xD Oh, well. You can always dream. I know I do - a lot. My dreams are usually really weird though.. I guess they all are.
Maybe they will inspire you?

Aren't they magical? Gosh, I'd like to wear that dark blue dress.. Or the creme-colored, the one with all the pretty roses embroidered :)) It'd be a pain to walk in them though, with all that fabric behind you xD Oh, well. You can always dream. I know I do - a lot. My dreams are usually really weird though.. I guess they all are.
Speaking of dreams, I dreamt of my kitten. You know, the one I'll get if my grades are good enough? It was cute like crazy, and it seemed so real it took me a while when I woke up to realize that I had only been dreaming, hahaha. So here comes a random fact, although it won't be so random after I've explained it.
I want to learn how to sow. That would be really helpful, and it would get me an A, which would make me two step closer to getting that kitten. Gosh, I want that kitten. Though I seriously hope I won't turn into a crazy catlady. Hmmm. I probably won't, since life is getting reeeaaally interesting, so I won't want to throw it away for a life in solitude with only 50 cats as company. That sounds scary. And cats are really independent, they don't follow people around like dogs, so I actually doubt my future cat will make me become something like this girl:
I think most of you have already seen that video, but I'll post it anyway since it cracks me up every single time I watch it. AND THERE IS A SONG. An awesome song, actually. Please, someone, give her a cat and get that moment on tape.
xx Bells
A&F day
What I'm wearing today :D Yeah! A simple look based on Abercrombie & Fitch clothes. Pretty sure you can find them on the website!

xx. Aphrodite
How To Dress Like...
OMG! Fashion disaster! The Pretty Little Liars girls are known for their good sense of fashion, and their awareness of this fashion DON'T! Luckily they're done with their community service now (most of them)...

Thought I'd do a How To Dress Like: Spencer Hastings! Yeey. Spencer's know as the rich girl, the girl who get's whatever she wants and has a good fashion sense!
Thought I'd do a How To Look Like: Spencer Hastings! Yeey. Spencer's know as the rich girl, the girl who get's whatever she wants and she's got a good fashion sense!

I couldn't find a good top that was more similiar than the one I've choose, sorry about that. The skirt is exactly the same and the necklace is pretty much the same :D

1. French Connection - Renoir Sleeveless Cowl Neck - 32 pounds (now 12.75 pounds)
2. BCBG Max Azria - Silvie Power Skirt - 89 pounds
3. Forever21 - Box Chain Draped Necklace - 7.34 pounds
Lots of Love, Aphrodite
First day after winter break
We all have something that we want. I want a white crochet top. Oh, some nice high-waist shorts. And mint-colored Dr Martens. Something like..

The crochet top is from, they have lots of great stuff there :D
So, first day of school went well, but I really have no motivation to study (except the one that if I get good enough grades, I'll get a kitten!!! Who doesn't want a kitten?? I sure have wanted one since I was five.). I mean, my grades are just above average, but my parents want me to be even higher up - actually, I want to be higher up. But it just feels like a bribe like a kitten isn't good enough motivation. What do you guys think? Comment :D
Anyway, that's pretty much all for today from me.
xx Bells
P.S. Remember my last (that is, first) post? Well, I'm still wishing for my happy ending. Don't you stop, either.
Inspiration - spring/summer
Maybe a little bit early, but you've to get the inspiration before you go shopping! ;D Imagine that the shirt is tucked in the shorts. The look you wanna rock out this spring/summer!

1. French Connection - Peter Parade Shirt - 67 pounds (now on sale for 36 pounds, from the autum collection)
2. TopShop - MOTO Flag Turn Up Hotpant - 34 pounds
3. Jeffrey Campbell - Delia - 174,95 pounds

1. TopShop - Rhinestone Cord Bracelet - 5 pounds
2. TopShop - Mismatched Feather Cuff and Stud Earring - 6.50 pounds
3. TopShop - Large Sunglasses Ring - 8.50 pounds
4. Juicy Couture - Crown ID Friends Bracelet - 18 pounds
xoxo Aphrodite
Once upon a time...
...there were two immensely beautiful girls. They lived in a magic world of hopes, dreams, fashion, movies, cute boys and wondeful friends. Oh, and they sometimes landed on earth to go to school in Gothenburg, where they actually lived. One was a natural beauty - long, honey-blonde hair, her eyes a pretty blue and her face so wonderful because she kept it simple, not caring for that ridiculous amount of make-up that girls usually have - in fact, she never wore it at all. What she did wear was cute, stylish outfits - always clean and well thought-through, without being flashy. Her friends would call her Soo - but here, you'll get to know her as Aphrodite. Oh, and I'm here too. I'm Bells, sometimes known as Chilli. I'm pretty much Aphrodite's opposite - my hair is brown - slightly chestnut, my eyes are hazel and my clothes.. well, I'm not very good at categories, so I don't really know what style I have - it tends to differ a lot. But I know one thing for sure - neither me nor Aphrodite would wear something that we'd consider a fashion DON'T. (Although what YOU think is a fashion don't may be a completely different thing :O)
Okay, back to the story. One fateful day, these two girls decided on starting a blog - about fashion. The decision was sudden, unexpected - and yet so obvious. Aphrodite immediately began to busy herself with the layout while Bells pretty much looked for inspiration, ordered Aphrodite around (hehe) and started writing. And then the issue of what to actually write came up. Of course, the obvious one was fashion - it was already decided. But adding random facts sometimes, like thoughts or hopes, expectations or dreams, worries - just a little line or two somewhere would be fun, right? Like a diary, just not as much text and definitely not as confidental, focusing on more shallow things like fashion (not meant in a negative sense). Are you still with me, even after my babble? All right then, here we go.
Let's all wish for our happy ending, 'kay? :)