You're no good for me - but baby I want you
Gosh, I'm so terribly sorry - AGAIN. Here comes my SoS and tomorrow I'll take a picture of my outfit - I promise!
Pinky promise!
Pinky promise!

State of current Situation

Bells didn't do the SoS last week, bad girl... But I still really love her!! I got a new haircut today, biiig deal :D Hadn't cut my hair for a long, long time!! Hope you all are having a nice time on earth, don't waste or take it for granted.
Live, don't just exist. Love Aphrodite
State of current Situation

Sorry about the bad updating! 1 day late with the SoS this week - sorry about that to!
Don't lose who you are, in the glitter of a star,
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay.
Sometimes it's hard, to follow your heart,
Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
Just be true to who you are.
Wisdom words of tonight! oxoxo Aphrodite
Valentines Day
I knoooow that we're all excited because Valentines Day is coming up, and with or without a boyfriend, it's an extra occasion to look extra good, and we all like looking extra good, don't we? So there are some stuff that I know that I really want, and that I think you want too :))

1. This adorable, almost two-piece dress is a Pique Chelsea Scalloped Shift Dress from ASOS. It used to be 53.3 pounds, but is now only 16 pounds!! :D
2. These cute pumps are simple, yet elegant - a classic and a safe choice that goes with pretty much about anything. They too are from ASOS, too bad they're really expensive - 154 pounds. Well, you can always wish? :)
3. I love crosses - I really do. This awesome bracelet goes as well with elegant outfits like these as with casual tees. It is from TopShop and costs 8.5 pounds.
Hope y'all spend a wonderful Valentines Day with your boyfriends or just friend - you don't have to have romantic love to have love :D
xx Bells
Outfit of the Day
Finally: januari holidays are here!!!!! Yes! Me and Bells begun the holidays by having a sleepover at a friend's house - we had lots of fun!! Here's what I wore today :)

xx. Aphrodite
Cleaning your room is BOOORING, so I did an SoS instead :)) Uhm, well, you might be sliiiightly confused by it, but let's just say that we all know that love is a wonderful but horrible thing. And about trams and stormwinds... don't get me started...

Uhm, so, I've got to go. I just started training at this awesome gym, and I think it's really fun (which is weird since I hate exercising xD) and I tried one of those running machines - you know those with tracks that move? I was like a little kid, finding it very exciting and fun... Anyway, I'll write more tomorrow unless I'm at a sleep-over ;DD
oxoxo Bells
-12, spring approaching
Hey guys, I'm sorry for not writing much, but basically all I've been doing is SLEEPING. I'm not kidding. I come home from school, don't even touch my computer or homework - I just go to sleep. I don't know what's been happening, I've been feeling kind of weird lately - deppressed, even. For no apparent reason. I guess it's because of the weather - it's freezing outside and the sun isn't a very loyal friend - it disappears often and fast.

I keep dreaming of spring - don't you too? Just close your eyes and imagine it - cherry trees covered in soft, white flowers; the green grass rustled by a fresh breeze that carries the scent of all the flowers everywhere; a clear blue sky and the sun on your face.. And then I wake up and realize it's -12 degrees outside, that the snow is fading but the ice sticking around stubbornly, that the sky is grey and the 'breeze' is actually a piercing stormwind. What happened here?! I love winter, it's not supposed to be like this!
The only thing that keeps me going is that picture of spring, that fact that it's approaching. And Brighton of course. Always Brighton. Me going is not a decided fact yet though, but it's looking REALLY good (APHRODITE GET YOUR HANDS ON YOUR CELL, I'VE BEEN CALLING TO TELL YOU THIS A ZILLION TIMES!!) and I'm probably going. You might be wondering what the heck I'm talking about, but I'll leave that to Aphrodite to tell, since she was the one who told me all about it in the first place. All I can say is I'm so damn excited (that is, If I'm actually going..).
So, while I wait for spring and Brighton, here are som nice pics of clothing I want... or, rather, need :)

(Forever 21)
Now, Imagine that sweater over this shirt..

(Also Forever 21) ..and together with this necklace:

(Urban Outfitters again).. and this skirt..

(Urban Outfitters again) ..and it makes an outfit that's in as well as comfy :3 If you've read Vogue, you've probably seen sweaters - a lot of these sweaters worn over shirts like the one above. Personally, I think it's really cute with short denim skirts and wavy/curly hair, either loose, in a bun or two low, loose ponytails. But you can of course do it however you like xD And then, when spring comes and it's at the very least +12 instead of -12, we'll wear something warmer :D
oxoxo Bells
State of current Situation

Hello to you! ;) The "State of current Situation" this week. Drama, drama, drama...
Me and Bells have written the love of our lives on our hands ;D My hand "Team Mellark"(!!) and Bells "Team Odair".
Now back to reality: The X Factor is coming to Sweden! I'm thinking of entering, what do you guys think? DON'T be shy to comment!! Random: Happy Birthday Harry! That ain't hurt nobody ;D
xx. Aphrodite
Summer Swag
Hey there!! Summer is comming up :D yeey! Well, even though it's unbelievably cold outside where me and Bells live, I'm looking after summer outfits, can't help it. I mean, who doesn't love summer? Beautiful dresses, warm nights, freedom. Ahhh gosh, can't wait! I put together a cute and simple summer outfit for you <3 This outfit IS me, haha, I love peace signs, I love dresses and I love boots. I'm serious, favourite things when it comes to fashion!

1. Steve Madden - Fairport - 108 pounds
2. Forever 21 - Pleated Swing Dress - 23.75 pounds
3. Urban Outfitters - Enamel Peace Sign Necklace - 14 pounds
Your swagmasta' Aphrodite <3
I wanna stay up all night
I don't feel like going back to school at all - weekends should last longer, don't you think? Anyway, here is what I'm wearing to school..:

Grey random leather jacket my mom bought me, pink t-shirt from Croatia, Diesel belt and vintage skirt.
I've been having fun with photo-editing programs, and setting the light is by far the most fun thing to do :3 Here is a finished pic:

oxoxo Bells
State of current Situation

Hey there y'all, I'm baaack :DD So, above you see the current state of the situation. I'll be doing it every week (unless Aphrodite is doing it, heh) and it'll be some kind of update on what's going on, in our lives AND in fashion ;D Well, the pic says it all. I've got some more pics for you~

So, this outfit basically consists of a pair of dark jeans (tight, but not tight like a second skin), a white tee with prints and a black vest. I added a necklace because it has sentimental value xD
Hmm, I'll be writing more, but not right now because I have homework to do - gotta get that kitten.
Still wishing for that happy ending..
oxoxo Bells
Marc by Marc Jacobs
Hola People! Sorry about the lazy updating - me & Bells have been enjoying the weekend i guess ;) Sooo let's get to the exciting part!
Marc Jacobs is a brand that's pretty expensive, but I've found some things that aren't that expensive, and i thought it would be nice to share that with you! I really love theese things and I'd want to own them all (especially the earrings!!) maybe you would to??

Marc Jacobs - Logo Cartridge Neoprene Tablet Case - 31 pounds

Marc Jacobs - Stardust Logo Neoprene 13 Computer Case - 33.50 pounds![]()

1. Marc Jacobs - Mini Star Studs - 24.50 pounds
2. Marc Jacobs - Mini Sunnies Studs - 24.50 pounds
3. Marc Jacobs - Domed Logo Hearts Studs - 24.50 pounds
xx. Aphrodite
Kind of a prom dress
OMG! I'm over-excited about sewing class!!!! I'm designing my own stuff as usual :D But this time I'll be making my own short prom dress (that I won't wear for prom :P) And it'll be perfect!! Spending my weekend designing :D
How it might turn out:

Won't it be amazing??!!! Ahh Oh Ma Gosh, can't wait :D
Oh the "funniest" thing happend today. Me and my friend A were walking in the rain (maybe we were singing to O.O) and a car's running in a puddle right infront of us and all the water flew over our legs... Haha, it was like we were in some kind of movie or something. ;)
Stay glamorous (and don't drive in puddles near people..) <3 Aphrodite
Hmm, I got the impression that we're not nearly as active as we were the first three days xD So here I am, trying to push it back up - because if we're not actice the first month, we'll never be.
I raided my closet last night and found my beloved Miss Sixty jacket which I haven't been wearing since like.. end of summer xD But then I thought, why shouldn't I wear it now? So I wore it over a red and a white top and with tight black pants :3 And the result...

Please notice my dark red nailpolish, which I love but seldom use because... well, I'm lazy. It doesn't even look red, haha it's so dark it looks black, actually.. Well, whatever, it still looks cool.
My hand is currently adorned with my 'name', that is the word Bells. I'm going to write Aphrodite's 'name' on her hand too tomorrow, and then make her take a picture of our hands with me and post it :D And when I adjust the colours in picnik, it'll look good ^^ least I think, heh. Hm, that is pretty much all for today.
Oh, one more thing.. I'm afraid I'm falling in love. I really hope I'm not, because if I do, I'm really stupid. And I mean STUPID.
oxoxo Bells
Fashionable or not?
This is what I'm wearing today. I would say that it's kind of street fashion, since the jeans are worn and the shirt's oversized :)

The shirt's from Rare, the jeans' from Nolita and the belt's from Guess. The bracelets are handmade, I made them with my cousin. I would say that they're a fashion don't, but also something you wear anyway.
Hope you're having a great monday, Aphrodite